Checklist on keeping your student house safe over Christmas Holidays
Posted on 13 December, 2021 by Peter All PostsIt's almost Christmas! You’ve survived the first term & it's time to plan your trip back home... But before you shoot off home, here are a few things to take care of so your student house is protected over the holidays.
1. Lock up!
Sounds, obvious but make sure you leave the house locked. With everyone leaving at different times, make sure to agree with your housemates on who will leave last and make sure everything is properly locked up. Check that all the windows, doors and gates are secure. Also, if you have room locks, lock those too!

2. Keep the heating on!
Just before you leave, turn the heating to the minimum setting. If your radiators have timers, you can set them to be on for a few hours every day. Just make sure that the heating is not completely as the pipes may freeze and burst, leading to a flooded house!
3. Don't make your house look empty
An unoccupied house might be tempting to burglars, so make sure to create an illusion that someone is home. Bring in your wheelie bins to the backyard and have some coats hanging in the hallway.
Also, bin all the old post just before leaving so it doesn't look like you haven't been home for ages!

4. Put away your valuables
If you aren't taking your gadgets home with you, make sure they are out of sight! Also, take note of any small valuables you may have and put away those too.
5. Keep your holiday plans on the down-low
Don't announce on social media that you are going home and leaving your student house unattended for weeks. You can never know who is lurking around online!

6. A quick clean
Coming back to a smelly house is not the most pleasant thing. So before you go away, take all the bins out and do the dishes. It's also a good idea to check what's left in the fridge!
If you need any repairs done before going home, it's not too late to report them! Here's a guide on how to use our maintenance system.
And if you have any other questions, do not hesitate to email us, we are here to help you!